No Badges, No Lines, All Kobolds
An Online Convention March 28th – 30th, 2025

Launching In…


Kobold Con 2025 Schedule

All times are listed in Pacific.

9:00 AM to 10:00 AM PDT

Kobold Con Showcase

Watch on Twitch and YouTube

Join Kobold Press for the Kobold Con kick-off livestream revealing upcoming products, special announcements, and what you can expect from the weekend of festivities.

10:00 AM to 11:00 AM PDT

Necromancer Live Play

Watch on Twitch and YouTube

The team from Do You Validate Studio in Atlanta, GA sits down to unbox Necromancer and play it for the first time.

11:00 AM to 12:00 PM PDT

The Making of Necromancer

Watch on Twitch and YouTube

Tune in for a behind the scenes interview with the designers and creative team behind the the brand new Necromancer Card Game.

12:00 PM to 1:00 PM PDT

Tea Time on the RiverBank

Watch on Twitch and YouTube

Award winning writer and designer of RiverBank, Kij Johnson, sit down for an hour interview to talk all about the design and rules of the first cozy RPG from Kobold Press.

1:00 PM to 2:00 PM PDT

Adventuring in the Labyrinth

Watch on Twitch and YouTube

The brilliant minds and designers behind the new Tales of the Valiant Labyrinth setting sit down live to answer your questions and reveal all.

2:00 PM to 3:00 PM PDT

What’s that Monster?! Live

Watch on Twitch and YouTube

It’s time for a little competition! Show your Kobold Press monster knowledge in a live game of “What’s the Monster!?” Monstrous prizes from Forged Gaming await the winner.

3:00 PM to 4:00 PM PDT

Loot that Box

Watch on Twitch and YouTube

Kobold Kendo pulls back the cardboard for a live unboxing of brand new Kobold Press products.

4:00 PM to 7:00 PM PDT

Organized Play

Join gamers from all over the world in our online Organized Play. Join one of our many Tales of the Valiant sessions, where you can play as one of the Valiant 6 in an original Kobold Press adventure! Check out our Discord to sign up.

Organized Play

Become One of the Valiant

Join the Tales of the Valiant Organized Play at Kobold Con 2025. We’ll facilitate worldwide free online play of Tales of the Valiant on March 29th and 30th. Join one of our many sessions, where you can play as one of the Valiant 6 in an original Kobold Press adventure. Sign-ups are coming soon, so join our Discord  to get your questions answered and join the adventure.

Play ToV on these Digital Platforms Kobold Con Weekend

Shard VTT logo
Alchemy Logo
Foundry Logo

Kobold Press Gaming Scholarship

Supporting the Future of Gaming

Each year Kobold Press partners with a gaming or educational charity to support the future of gaming.

This year our charity is Let’s Quest, a nonprofit dedicated to enhancing school and library tabletop RPG programs by providing a wealth of resources and materials to educators, librarians, and facilitators at no cost.

A percentage of every purchase you make during Kobold Con weekend in our store supports this charity, and Kobold Press plans to match that percentage up to $2500!

Sign up for our weekly newsletter to be the first to learn more about KoboldCon and our charity efforts.

Play Tales of the Valiant Today!

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